Wellbeing Football Sessions Begin in Clacton
Wellbeing football sessions were launched at Clacton Leisure Centre on Monday 13th May, the first in a series which aim to help adults improve their mental wellbeing and to highlight the Mental Health Awareness Week campaign.
Working in partnership with Tendring District Council (TDC), the event was organised by Disability4Sport who provide regular, sporting sessions designed to enhance self-empowerment, physical fitness and mental wellbeing.
Rebecca Morton, Executive Projects Manager at TDC, explained: “We would like to thank a number of local partner organisations - the Essex County FA, Disability4Sport, Active Essex and Health in Mind - for working together to provide funding and resources to support these sessions.”
“It is hoped, through sessions like today, we can get people active, raise awareness and, most importantly, encourage people to talk about their mental health.”
Read information about Disability4Sport, and the sessions they offer, at www.disability4sport.co.uk or phone (01206) 512595. Details about Essex football can also be found in the menus above, on Twitter from @EssexCountyFA and by searching for ‘EssexFootball’ on Facebook.